Monday, September 5, 2016

Hello...Hello...Is Anyone There???

I'm sure that by now, you all thought that our house would have closed, the movers would have moved all of our belongings in and we would be settling into the wonderful world of mountain living.  Yeah, so did we!  Well, it seems as though the universal creator has other plans for us and she's sitting back laughing as we are busy making our plans.  She knows full well that we will be abiding by hers and ours was just a silly idea.

Here's a very abbreviated version of the past week of our life.  After hearing nothing about closing on Monday, we were promised that the closing would probably be on Tuesday.  Note the word probably.  Most of Tuesday came and went and at around 6 in the evening, we had an email from the law firm and a call from our agent saying that all of our ducks were not only not yet in a row, but there may be a few chickens in the mix.  Now the target date was moved to Friday!  So all week long, we enjoyed our cabin, did some necessary shopping for things for the cabin and met many of our fellow Blairsvillains (not quite sure if this is the politically correct term). Actually, we have not met a single person in this town who is not completely kind, friendly and helpful.  We are thoroughly enjoying our new community.  OK, fast forward past all of the fun to the target day.  FRIDAY!!!  It's here, we're ready!  All we need is the phone call from the attorney giving us our time to show up.  So we waited...and waited...oh, and did I say that we waited?  FINALLY, at 3:30 Friday afternoon, the call came. Our attorney's office didn't get the final package from the bank or the final paperwork from the seller's attorney. With the holiday weekend, our prospective closing date now falls somewhere between September 6th and 9th.   Now, you can imagine the sound in comedy movies when something disappointing happens.  I swear you could hear that noise in our car when we got the call. Thank goodness, I went with a gut feeling and booked us a room in the motel in downtown as a just in case.

Oh, and, did I mention that we are leaving on a long ago planned vacation on the ninth of September with Token Son and the fam?  I am sooo very excited to spend an entire week at the beach with them.  But, the timing, really????   So the first thing that we needed to do was to get a hold of the mover.  Since we can't give him an exact date of closing, and we will be gone for the entire week of September 11, the soonest we could get our belongings will not be until September 19.  We also had to cancel all of the turn ons and start ups that had been scheduled.  Also, I hadn't done a lick of laundry since we left Ohio and it was either go to a laundrymat or buy new clothes.  Since you all know how badly I hate shopping for clothes, you know what I did Friday evening.  I never even gave that possibility a thought since our new cabin has a washer and dryer in it who would have thought that I would be spending $30 to wash clothes.  This did not set well with "the queen of cheep" as I am known to Mountain Man and my Mountain Chillin'.  I must say,  after all of our hitches and giddy ups along the way, Mountain Man took all of Friday's news rather well.  I, on the other hand,  instead of having a total come apart, had a total shut down! I guess that's what you call it when the brain experiences a total overload?  I felt like my three year old Grand:   Don't look at me, don't talk to me, don't touch me!  I honestly can't tell you the last time I felt this way.  It was NOT fun!

After filling our bellies at the local all-you-can-eat Pizza Bar and an eventful night's sleep (there was a group of musicians staying at the motel that had a parking lot jam into the wee hours of the morning), I woke up looking at the brighter side of life again.  Even though we aren't in our own home yet, we do have all of the creature comforts:  A warm bed, a hot shower, food, an occasional cocktail and my Mountain Man by my side.  

Today is Monday, the beginning of a new week.  Will we be able to close on our house this week?  Who knows.  If our creator sees fit, we will, if not, it'll just have to wait til we get back from the beach.  As for me, this week will be business as normal or abnormal, however one chooses to look at it!  I will wake up every morning with Mountain Man by my side, have a cup of coffee or two, take care of any business that needs tending to and then move on through my day enjoying my new surroundings, making new friends and trying to spread some happiness and love in the world.  

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